
ANSI/PSA/ Z4. 1-2016 pdf free download

ANSI/PSA/ Z4. 1-2016 pdf free download

ANSI/PSA/ Z4. 1-2016 pdf free download.In Places of Employment: Minimum Requirements.
1 Scope and Purpose 1.1 Scope This standard applies to minimum requirements for sanitation in all places of employment except where domestic, mining or common carrier transportation work only is performed. It does not apply to temporary employment locations or places where non-sewered waste disposal systems are in use as those are covered in American National Standard: For Sanitation Non-Sewered Waste Disposal Systems: Minimum Requirements, ANSI/PSAI Z4.3-2016. It also does not apply to family housing provided by the employer in one- or two-family dwellings, or to temporary labor camps; these are covered by American National Standard: For Sanitation in Temporary Labor Camps: Minimum Requirements, ANSI/PSAI Z4.4 2016. Measures to control toxic materials are outside the cope of this standard. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to prescribe minimum sanitary requirements for the protection of health of all employees in places of employment as described in 1.1. 2 Definitions Accessible design: An approach to designing buildings, homes and products that renders them easier to access and therefor use, by people with physical, sensory or cognitive disabilities.
Conservation: The preservation and protection of natural resources. Fixture: A device for receiving water and/or waste matter that directs these substances into a sanitary drainage system. Can include bathtubs, lavatories, showers, sinks, toilets, urinals and water closet bowls. Grey water: Water that has already been used for bathing, washing, laundry or dishwashing but does not contain human or food waste. Industrial waste: Liquid or waterborne waste from industrial or commercial processes. Lavatory: A washbowl or basin permanently installed with running water, for washing hands, arms, face or head. Non-sewered waste disposal system: A sanitary waste- disposal system not connected to a sanitary sewer, septic tank or on-site sewage disposal system. Number of employees: For the purpose of this standard, the maximum number of employees present on a regular 40-hour workweek shift.
3.2 Waste disposal 3.2.1 Any receptacle used for putrescible solids, liquid or solid refuse shall be constructed so that it does not leak and may be conveniently and thoroughly disinfected. It shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. Such a receptacle shall be equipped with a cover. Trashcans with removable liners are also acceptable, as long as they meet the above criteria. 3.2.2 All sweepings, solid or liquid wastes including industrial wastes, refuse and garbage shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid creating a nuisance or menace to health, and as often as necessary to maintain the place of employment in a sanitary condition. 3.3 Pest control Every enclosed workplace and personal service room shall be constructed, equipped and maintained, so far as is reasonably practicable, in such a manner as to prevent the entrance or harborage of pests: rodents, insects or vermin of any kind for sanitary conditions, and in accordance with the International Building Code, Appendix F – Rodentproofing, and the International Plumbing Code, Chapter 3 – General Regulations, Section 304 – Rodent proofing. 4 Lighting and Ventilation 4.1 Lighting Lighting shall be in accordance with the most current adopted release of the International Building Code, Chapter 12 – Interior Environment, Section 1205 – Lighting.
4.2.2 Outside air shall be provided to all rooms occupied by workers, in accordance with American National Standard Fundamentals Governing Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems ANSI/AIHA/ASSE Z9.2-2012 or the latest revision thereof approved by the American National Standards Institute and by the most current adopted release of the International Building Code, Chapter 12 – Interior Environments, Section 1203 – Ventilation, and International Mechanical Code, Chapter 4 . Ventilation. Where mechanical ventilation systems are used, ventilation rates shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. 4.2.3 Toilet facilities shall be provided with the minimum ventilation rate of the most current adopted release of the International Building Code, Chapter 12 – Interior Environment, Section 1203 – Ventilation, and International Mechanical Code, Chapter 4 – Ventilation, or by authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is greater. No recirculation of air through the room shall be permitted.

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